Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rebellion and repression

The challenging alignment between the catalyst Uranus and transformative Pluto now and through to 2015 brings an inevitable force for change. Patterns are being shattered and subterranean forces are breaking out. Around the 9th and 10th August when the riots broke out in London this was ignited by a square from Mars, intensifying these explosive energies.
Uranus in Aries is a rebellious, radical energy and Pluto in Capricorn is about exerting control through maintaining the status quo. The conflict is between rebellion and repression and we will see these themes being lived out in different parts of the world over the coming months and years, sometime with exciting, dramatic results and sometimes with more disturbing consequences.

If this collective picture was the birth chart of a person an astrologer would consider how to help the person integrate these very different energies in a harmonious way and so this is the challenge that faces us all on a collective level. We need to create new ways of living and governing that are more equitable and sustainable. We won't be dictated to any longer, but sometimes this means fighting for our rights and sometimes this means taking a more considered, altruistic view.

Events like the riots in London can bring up a lot of fear, but it is about staying balanced within the tension. Our securities are challenged, but in reality the only security we have is within ourselves.
Later in the month there are some more favourable influences. During the Full Moon of August 14th at 20 Aquarius the Sun is joined by Venus. This is wild exciting energy as we follow our heart’s desires. It softens the collective energy and brings us into our hearts. Still a Full Moon can be unsettling, as hidden conflicts come to the surface. The Aquarian Moon emphasises the power of collective energy and what people can achieve when they come together with others.
On August 17th the Sun, Mercury and Venus join at 24 Leo, reiterating the energies of the Full Moon. There’s a grandeur, power and effectiveness to this combination.
The New Moon on the 29th August marks a new beginning and a time to put decisions, new ideas and regimes into practice, especially as Mercury turned direct on the 26th. Communication becomes clearer and we can move forward again, freed from some of the forces that have held us back.